Resurrection Sunday Has Passed, but Hope Persists! Why is it important?

Growing up, I always wondered what was the difference between resurrection Sunday vs Easter.  I knew that Easter was one of my favorite seasons because of the candy.  Oh yes, I love some pastel eggs and I think Easter produces the best candy in the stores.  I eat that Easter candy like a pig, and workout after the season is over. LOL.  The prizes alone got me motivated. But as I got older, I started to learn and understand the importance of resurrection Sunday.  

Read more: Resurrection Sunday Has Passed, but Hope Persists! Why is it important?

Easter Sunday vs Resurrection Sunday

Easter means “rebirth”.  It’s a holiday many people associate with eggs and bunnies.  The eggs represent “birth” because a chick will come from the egg.  The bunny or rabbit is associated with “fertility”.  Rabbits are by the dozens.  They will not be extinct any time soon. 

Some see Easter as a way of starting over. 

Having a new start on life or a new outlook.  It’s beautiful outside, let’s refresh.  There is nothing wrong with having a mentality of starting over, or thinking of a new start in life.  But we have to also remember the reason for the Resurrection.  It also represents a fresh start or new beginning for mankind.

Story of Easter in the Bible

When we think of Easter or Resurrection Sunday you can’t help but think of Jesus suffering for our sins.  He came down to reconcile us back to God.  In order to do that, he understood a sacrifice must be made.  No more animals, the ultimate sacrifice is him.  So let’s set up the stage for the Resurrection story.

Jesus’ Resurrection

Resurrection of Jesus

Resurrection Sunday meaning is the celebration that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.  As I stated before, Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice.  He had to die for the reconciliation to begin and he had help.  From Judas.

Judas was one of the 12 that decided to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  You may wonder, why did he betray Jesus? Many scholars are not sure why Judas betrayed Jesus.  I believe he wanted to see the destruction of the emperor. He thought Jesus was going to show up with an army to bring down the ruler. He followed him for all these years and believed the message.  He wanted to see a war. 

King vs King. 

Jesus did come with an army.  The word. Judas wasn’t thinking spiritually.  You have to start from the inside to see change.  Because things didn’t go according to his plan, he decided to betray him.  He was mad and made a decision that affected his and Jesus’ life.

Jesus entering the city

Resurrection Sunday Images

Resurrection Sunday images tells the story from Jesus riding in on the donkey to his resurrection.  These images are in color and b&w.  You just cut out and arrange the resurrection story in order (with a little help with the text).  The b&w copies are for you to color.  This is a great resource to tell the story of Jesus’ resurrection or let your kiddos read the story for themselves. 

Jesus death
Jesus’ Resurrection

You can grab your copy here.

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