Adam and Eve: Unveiling the First Love Story – A Profound Tale of Lessons

Adam and Eve were the first man and woman created by God, and their story unfolds in the lush Garden of Eden. They enjoyed a paradise filled with astonishing animals, vibrant flora, and the purest of waters. But their adventure takes a twist when they encounter a talking serpent who tempts them to eat from the forbidden tree of knowledge.

Adam and Eve Coloring Book
Adam and Eve Story

Story of Adam

In the Adam and Eve story for kids, we learn about Adam.  How God created man on the 6th day.  That man was Adam.  You may hear people say the term, the FIRST ADAM, that Adam is the one in Genesis.  The second being JESUS, but that is for a later story.

As we continue to read the scriptures, we learn that God decided that man shouldn’t be alone.  You may wonder why?  When Adam named all the animals, each animal had a male and a female.  A companion.  Adam did not.  It was just him.  That is why God put Adam to sleep, so that he can have a companion.  He took a rib from Adam to make Eve. 

Who is Eve?

Eve is Adam’s wife. When God took the rib from Adam, he made Eve.  Adam said she is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.  Eve was literally created from Adam’s flesh.  Eve is Adam’s companion.  Now everyone in the garden of Eden had a companion, including Adam.

Facts about Adam and Eve story for kids

While Adam and Eve were flourishing in the presence of God, God only gave them one rule.  Do not eat from the tree of Knowledge of good and evil.  Some of us may say, well that is simple. Just don’t do it. That’s easy.  But then you have to think.  What would make you do the forbidden?  If we found millions of dollars on the side of the road, would we turn it in to authorities or keep it?  Hmmm temptation.

Some people may ask, why did the serpent not tempt Adam since he was the head? Have you heard the saying, a woman is a man’s weakness? Or better yet, the woman being the weakest vessel? No matter the circumstances, Adam wasn’t tempted because the serpent wanted to use the back door access to get to Adam.  Mankind was on Adam’s shoulder’s, not Eve’s.  If only Eve sinned, she would have been kicked out by herself.

Adam and eve

The sin of Adam and Eve Summary

As we all know, the serpent tempted Eve with the lust of her eyes and lots of lies with one truth.  They would not die.  Yep, that fruit looks good and you should eat it.  Why, because you will become like gods.  Eve decided, why not that sounds good. She took a bite and gave it to Adam.  He also took a bite. They didn’t die physically, but they died spiritually.

Sometimes I think about what I would have done in that situation.  A talking serpent telling me to eat some fruit.  In my natural mind, no.  No talking animal is going to tell me anything. First of all, how are we speaking the same language?  What is going on in this garden?  But when you’re in the presence of God, who knows what may happen.  The donkey spoke to Absalom. Point taken. Eve was in the presence of God, before she ate the fruit. Sin entered when she desired it.

Here’s an interesting fact, did you know when the serpent tempted Eve, Adam heard the conversation? Genesis: Adam and Eve story for kids.  Why didn’t he stop her?  That is a good question. It’s because of the term the first sin.  The first sin is when Adam ate the fruit, since he was first in the garden. If only he would have taken heed to God’s instructions. That’s when Adam lost his connection to God. 

What Happened when Adam and Eve ate the fruit?

Their eyes were opened.  They realized they were naked and with their simple thinking, they decided to sew fig leaves to cover themselves.  When God entered the garden, they hid.  Hide from what? His presence due to their sin. God simply asked what happened, they both started the blame game.  Eve blamed the serpent, and Adam blamed GOD. No way!!  You heard that right, Adam blamed GOD.  Why? Because GOD gave him EVE.  Instead of taking responsibility, he blamed GOD for making Eve.  God advised them to kill an animal to make proper clothes for themselves and they had to go. God showed them mercy.

The story of Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden

Story of Adam and Eve with pictures

Adam and Eve story for kids beautifully tells where mankind’s sin first began. This story is for all ages. The Adam and Eve cartoon coloring pages helps guide children through their story while they are in the Garden and afterwards.  Adam and Eve story for kids is a great addition to add to your Sunday school class or  as another teaching guide in your curriculum.

Adam and Eve Coloring Book
Adam and Eve coloring book for kids

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