Cain and Abel: Unveiling the First Murder – Not My Brother’s Keeper

When Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, they had three sons: Cain, Abel, and Seth.  Seth came a while later, but we are going to talk about the relationship between Cain, Abel, and God.

Cain and Abel
Picture of Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel story: The beginning

As we look in the book of Genesis, we learn that Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel.  Cain was the 1st born that tended after the land (fruits and veggies), meanwhile Abel in the bible the flock. Some have asked were Cain and Abel twins? No, Cain was born first, then Abel. If they were twins, the bible would have mentioned it. (Esau and Jacob for example). Both brothers seem to enjoy their positions, but their relationship with God is what is important.  

We can look at this in our time frame.  When we are given a job, we want to do our best so we can have the best.  But what happens when you do things just to go through the motions?  I know I don’t feel fulfilled.  It’s like I just wanted to get it over with and do what is next.  With this mindset, that will better explain the story of Cain and Abel.

Cain and Abel offering

During the process of growing up, the time came when sacrifices were to be made.  As we learned in the Adam and Eve Story for kids sacrifices were needed because of what happened in the Garden of Eden.

As Cain and Abel approached the altar for their offerings.  Cain picked some fruits and veggies he grew from the land in no particular order. But Abel offers the newborn of his flock and the meat (fat). God had favor on Abel’s offering and not Cain’s. 

Abel's offering
Abel’s offering

 You may be thinking, I don’t see the issue with the offering.  So let’s dive in a little more and explain.

Cain’s offering to God was produce or food.  Not anything in particular.  Just some he chose and put together to place beautifully at the altar.

As they say, make the presentation look good.  You know the feeling when you get something done before anyone else, not taking into account the care of the item?  I finished with a few minutes remaining, Yay. But someone next to you finishes in time but with seconds remaining and their stuff is flawless. Have you ever asked yourself, why does their stuff look better than mine?  Well, that will explain Cain’s offering.

Cain's offering
Cain’s offering

Abel took his time with his offering.  He offered the best to God.  He sacrificed the newborn of his flock and gave the meat.  In other words, he knew the flock will produce more newborns, because he trusted God will provide.  He didn’t offer the sheep that was so old that he’s doing it a favor, Nope.  Abel chose the newborn because he knew more will come because of his trust in God.

Here’s a scenario.  You’re down to your last $10 dollars and you need to buy something that you need immediately.  Do you go without and hold on to your money saying, this is all I got or do you look to God to make a way?  Make that purchase and trust or have that defeated attitude?  Trusting is the right thing to do because better is coming. 

But Cain didn’t see the big picture. He got Angry.

What happened between Cain and Abel?

Was Cain jealous of Abel?  Cain became very Angry. God called Cain out about his anger.  Asking why he’s angry and that he needs to change his attitude before he regrets it. 

 Cain didn’t listen to the message.

Cain was angry at Abel because God accepted his offering instead of looking at himself.  His offering was not of trust, but Abel’s was.

Cain slew Abel because of this.  Again, he didn’t see the big picture, only wanted to blame Abel for “outdoing” him.  Take out the competition mentality. This is never good.

Abel's death
Cain Killed Abel

What is the main lesson of the Cain and Abel Story

The main lesson I have learned from this story is to keep your anger in check.  If you’re mad, think it over.  What could I have done differently?

When God knew Abel was slain, he asked Cain where is his brother? He could hear Abel’s cries from the ground. Again, Cain got angry with the question.  His response, “ Am I my brother’s keeper?” God knew Cain slew him and Cain was still angry.

God had a heart to heart conversation with Cain about his anger. 

God cursed Cain’s sin. Some people probably thought, well God cursed Cain. Nope, just his sin.  If God cursed Cain, why did he still protect him?  

If anyone would have touched Cain in any kind of way, they would have severe consequences. Is Cain immortal? No, God loved Cain and protected him from others.

Cain left and settled in another country.

Cain and Abel Story Summary

The Cain and Abel story is a good example of envy, anger and jealousy.  Cain did not look inwardly to deal with his issues to get better outcomes, instead he decided to stay angry which caused serious consequences.  Grab your copy of the Adam and Eve story, plus Cain and Abel.

Adam and Eve Coloring Book
Adam and Eve Story for Kids. Plus Cain and Abel.

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