The Miracle Unveiled: A Savior Emerges, Bringing Unparalleled Hope and Redemption

Jesus’ birth in the bible is one of the most talked about topics this holiday season.  Jesus’ birth sets the stage to man-kind reconciliation back to God.  You may be wondering what do you mean, I’m glad you asked.  Let’s dive in.

Prophecy of Jesus birth

Jesus’s birth was first prophesied in the book of Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”

When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, it was prophesied that Jesus would crush the head of the serpent.

Jesus’ birth will break down walls/barriers due to his teachings at a later age.  First the word had to take on a fleshly form and dwell among us.

Jesus birth foretold

As stated above Jesus’ birth was first mentioned in the book of Genesis.  More scriptures tell us about his birth, including the book of Isaiah. Isaiah 7:14 states “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

People knew the messiah was coming, but didn’t know exactly when. If it would be in their lifetime or not.

Little Known facts about Jesus

Jesus’ birth had to happen. Burnt offerings were no longer acceptable to God.  It all started in the Garden of Eden.  Adam and Eve were disobedient. You can check out all the details in our Adam and Eve story for kids.

Adam and Eve had to leave.  When they left, their relationship with God also took a blow.  They once communed with God in the garden and now they don’t.  This is where burnt offerings come into play.  A burnt offering happened in the Garden of Eden because of sin.

The Godhead had a conversation. Since burnt offerings were a no go, another sacrifice had to take its place.  Jesus.  The last sacrifice. Jesus’ birth was the first step in reconciling man back to God.  

The first Adam was disobedient, but the second Adam (Jesus) was obedient all the way to the cross.

Why did God choose Mary?

Some people had asked why Mary?  Why not Mary? Mary was favored by God. Have you looked at her lineage?  All were favored. Jesus came into this world a pure soul, but Mary’s lineage is not so pure.

Her lineage traces all the way back to Adam, who put sin on the map in the first place, due to disobedience.

Not to mention David.  Who has done a lot of things, but he was after God’s heart. 

Jacob (later changed to Israel), father of the 12 tribes, he stole his brother’s birthright.

Abram, which later changed to Abraham, meaning father of all nations, was a liar. 

All her people were favored by God even during their circumstances.

A Savior is Born

This printable story of Jesus’ birth is for all ages.  It explains the story of Mary and Joseph.  Also included are fun coloring pages detailing the story. 

This resource can be taught at home or at school. The scripture of Jesus’ birth can also be found in Luke.

Learn about the reason for the season.

Jesus birth
A Savior Is Born
It Takes A Village Learning Center

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