Why I Love Noah’s Ark Bible Story (and You Should Too)

From the beginning, God had great plans for mankind.  He created the Heavens and Earth in 6 days and rested on the seventh.  Adam and Eve had all of their needs in the Garden of Eden.  Life was perfect.  Until sin entered.  Mankind sin was getting outrageous.  God chose to do something.  He had a plan that involved one obedient man. 

The spirit of Noah

Noah wasn’t a popular man. Just a regular guy who walked with God.  When everyone else was partying like there’s no tomorrow, Noah kept to his faith. God was upset he made mankind and vowed to destroy it all, but Noah found grace.  Why? Because Noah was a righteous man in his generation.

God came to Noah due to his righteousness and advised him of his plan.  Destruction.  But not to Noah and his family. You have to have the right mentality to survive this journey, because the alternative is not an option.

Noah's ark bible story
Bible Story Noah’s Ark

Building the Ark

God gave Noah specific instructions on how to build the ark and Noah followed every detail.  Noah moved with fear with the knowledge of what is to come.  Building an Ark in the desert probably wasn’t easy.  Not to mention, others laughing at you because of their lack of faith.  That’s right, lack of faith.  

Lack of faith is why Noah was laughed at.  God promised a flood in the desert.  What? The desert is a dry land where everything is dead.  Only a few things survive in the desert with the right provisions.  So a flood is coming out of nowhere? Here? Yes.

Entering the Ark

God advised Noah of what kinds of animals enter the Ark.  The unclean 2×2 and the clean 7×7.  Some have wondered, why did the clean enter 7×7? Due to sacrifices.  The old testament is full of sacrifices to God.  Noah was advised to bring a lot, because only clean animals are accepted as sacrifices.  You cannot just offer up anything to God.  (Cain and Abel as a perfect example).  

It’s amazing to me when Noah’s family and the animals were entering the ark that no one else decided to join in.  The ark is huge, so there is no way people didn’t see it. So why didn’t they go check it out.  Because of Faith. The bible doesn’t say if Noah warned his fellow man about a flood, but would they have believed him anyway? Seeing is believing right?  Well they saw it at the WRONG time.

The flood and the Ark

The flood waters came pouring in.  I can imagine all the screams. Who’s screaming? The non-believers.  The people who want to get on the ark NOW but didn’t want to get on before. 

It reminds me of the movie Jaws. Everyone was warned to not go in the water, but it’s summer.  It’s hot and the water was a great way to cool off.  Someone screams.  Shark! Everyone running, knocking each other down to get to safety.  Not everyone is lucky. That’s when the blood appears on the screen.

Noah built an ark because a flood is coming, get ready.  Right. The laughing begins. The flood waters coming in. Someone probably screamed.  Get to the Ark!  People are swimming frantically. Too late. Everything not in the ark drowned. Life is in the Ark.

It rained 40 days and 40 nights. Noah, his family, and the animal stepped out of the ark on dry land to start a new life.  God provided for Noah and his family due to their obedience. The story of Noah’s ark reminds us of the importance of faith and God’s timing.  We may not see it but it’s coming. It’s better to be prepared now or suffer later.  

Safety is in the Ark.  Death is in the flood.

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