Illustrative Math Woes: How I Turned Doubt into Triumph and Found My Teaching Groove Again in 2nd Grade

Can we talk about a real struggle we’ve all faced at some point? That feeling when you’re knee-deep in Illustrative Math and suddenly find yourself questioning every teaching move you’ve ever made. Yeah, it’s rough. But let me tell you, there’s light at the end of that tunnel. So, picture […]

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Fail-Proof Fractions Made Easy: 3rd Grade Struggles Unraveled with Understanding Fractions on a Number Line

Teaching 3rd-grade math has its highs and lows, and right now, we’re in the thick of Unit 5, Section B. Fractions on a number line seem to be the stumbling block for many of my students. If you’re nodding along, wondering how to help your class crack this concept, read […]

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