Illustrative Math Woes: How I Turned Doubt into Triumph and Found My Teaching Groove Again in 2nd Grade

Can we talk about a real struggle we’ve all faced at some point? That feeling when you’re knee-deep in Illustrative Math and suddenly find yourself questioning every teaching move you’ve ever made. Yeah, it’s rough. But let me tell you, there’s light at the end of that tunnel.

So, picture this: there I was, buried under a mountain of lesson plans and feeling like I’d lost my teaching mojo. Illustrative Math had me second-guessing every activity, every explanation, every interaction with my students. It felt like I was trying to swim against the current in a river of uncertainty.

But you know what? I refused to let those doubts drown me. I decided, If I can’t understand this neither will my students. Let’s make something that aligns with IM that my students will enjoy and relieve my stress.

Excited Teacher

Tools for Teachers

Let’s explore some game-changing resources to help us conquer those Illustrative Math hurdles. Here are a few trusty tools that have saved my sanity more times than I can count:

  1. Interactive Notebooks: These are a game-changer when it comes to engaging students in math. Plus they help my students break down IM concepts in a fun and engaging way. My kiddos love them because they can refer back to them when they are stuck.
  2. Choice Boards: Ah, the sweet sound of student autonomy! Choice boards give students the power to choose how they learn and demonstrate their understanding of math concepts. Whether it’s solving real-world problems, creating multimedia presentations, or designing their own math games, choice boards empower students to take ownership of their learning journey. Plus its great for early finishers.
  3. Extra Practice Worksheets: Let’s face it – sometimes, a little extra practice is all it takes to make those math lightbulbs start flashing. Plus, they’re a lifesaver for busy teachers looking to provide meaningful homework assignments or in-class review activities.

interactive notebooks bridge the gap in 2nd grade.

You Can Do This!

So, here’s the bottom line, my fellow educators: don’t let Illustrative Math woes knock you down. Embrace the challenge, lean on your colleagues for support, and never underestimate the power of student engagement. It’s ok to supplement. Trust me, you’ll find your teaching groove again – and when you do, it’ll be better than ever before.

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